No 263 New Ogorode Road, P.O. Box 442, Sapele Delta State, Nigeria +2348055809703


Management of Sickle Cell Disease and other blood related disorders

Benefits of Cellod-S  

Administration of Cellod-S.

  • It achieves Sickling reversal and Sickling prevention activities.
  • Cellod-S sustains a sickle cell patient even when the PCV of the patient is remarkably low and gradually builds up the PCV.
  • It completely eliminates or reduces to the barest minimum all pains and crises.
  • If still within growing age, Cellod-S promotes growth of stunted patients.
  • The use of Cellod-S restores peace & normal life to the affected family.
  • Pregnant patients are able to successfully carry their babies to full term.
  • There may be no need for other supportive medicines.
  • Cellod-S is also beneficial for the treatment of leukaemia and it promotes vigour.


  • 0-5 years.
    2 capsules once daily – Prepare as tea.
  • 6-16 years.
    3 capsules once daily
  • Over 16 years.
    2 capsules twice daily.
  • Treatment should continue until patient is completely well; ie free from symptoms and physically fit. Treatment may continue intermittently or continuously depending on the response of individual patients.